We Get Groceries, So You Don’t Have To
But what if you wanted to go to the grocery store?
DoorDash now delivers groceries. The service is practically effortless, oh-so-convenient and lightning-fast, which means there is absolutely no need to run out for that carton of milk or a dozen eggs. Grocery delivery with DoorDash is so efficient, you can stay put…right where you are. Soaking up the sweet, sweet melody of motherhood on a Saturday morning with multiple devices blasting cartoon theme songs in your ear. Or delighting in each and every “oooooo” and “awwwww!” at your college roommate’s pastel-on-overload baby shower.
The campaign insight: That sometimes, you actually want to go to the grocery store beautifully rubbed up against the crystal-clear consumer benefit that DoorDash delivers, allowing us to flex into a new, comedic brand voice.
Relatable, stylized scenarios were brought to life in short spots directed by Francois Lallier, supported by contextually relevant out of home and social.